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<sl-alert> | SlAlert
Since 2.0 stable

Alerts are used to display important messages inline or as toast notifications.

This is a standard alert. You can customize its content and even the icon.
<sl-alert open>
  <sl-icon slot="icon" name="info-circle"></sl-icon>
  This is a standard alert. You can customize its content and even the icon.
import SlAlert from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react/alert';
import SlIcon from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react/icon';

const App = () => (
  <SlAlert open>
    <SlIcon slot="icon" name="info-circle" />
    This is a standard alert. You can customize its content and even the icon.



Set the variant attribute to change the alert’s variant.

This is super informative
You can tell by how pretty the alert is.

Your changes have been saved
You can safely exit the app now.

Your settings have been updated
Settings will take effect on next login.

Your session has ended
Please login again to continue.

Your account has been deleted
We’re very sorry to see you go!
<sl-alert variant="primary" open>
  <sl-icon slot="icon" name="info-circle"></sl-icon>
  <strong>This is super informative</strong><br />
  You can tell by how pretty the alert is.

<br />

<sl-alert variant="success" open>
  <sl-icon slot="icon" name="check2-circle"></sl-icon>
  <strong>Your changes have been saved</strong><br />
  You can safely exit the app now.

<br />

<sl-alert variant="neutral" open>
  <sl-icon slot="icon" name="gear"></sl-icon>
  <strong>Your settings have been updated</strong><br />
  Settings will take effect on next login.

<br />

<sl-alert variant="warning" open>
  <sl-icon slot="icon" name="exclamation-triangle"></sl-icon>
  <strong>Your session has ended</strong><br />
  Please login again to continue.

<br />

<sl-alert variant="danger" open>
  <sl-icon slot="icon" name="exclamation-octagon"></sl-icon>
  <strong>Your account has been deleted</strong><br />
  We're very sorry to see you go!
import SlAlert from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react/alert';
import SlIcon from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react/icon';

const App = () => (
    <SlAlert variant="primary" open>
      <SlIcon slot="icon" name="info-circle" />
      <strong>This is super informative</strong>
      <br />
      You can tell by how pretty the alert is.

    <br />

    <SlAlert variant="success" open>
      <SlIcon slot="icon" name="check2-circle" />
      <strong>Your changes have been saved</strong>
      <br />
      You can safely exit the app now.

    <br />

    <SlAlert variant="neutral" open>
      <SlIcon slot="icon" name="gear" />
      <strong>Your settings have been updated</strong>
      <br />
      Settings will take effect on next login.

    <br />

    <SlAlert variant="warning" open>
      <SlIcon slot="icon" name="exclamation-triangle" />
      <strong>Your session has ended</strong>
      <br />
      Please login again to continue.

    <br />

    <SlAlert variant="danger" open>
      <SlIcon slot="icon" name="exclamation-octagon" />
      <strong>Your account has been deleted</strong>
      <br />
      We're very sorry to see you go!


Add the closable attribute to show a close button that will hide the alert.

You can close this alert any time!
<sl-alert variant="primary" open closable class="alert-closable">
  <sl-icon slot="icon" name="info-circle"></sl-icon>
  You can close this alert any time!

  const alert = document.querySelector('.alert-closable');
  alert.addEventListener('sl-after-hide', () => {
    setTimeout(() => ( = true), 2000);
import { useState } from 'react';
import SlAlert from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react/alert';
import SlIcon from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react/icon';

const App = () => {
  const [open, setOpen] = useState(true);

  function handleHide() {
    setTimeout(() => setOpen(true), 2000);

  return (
    <SlAlert open={open} closable onSlAfterHide={handleHide}>
      <SlIcon slot="icon" name="info-circle" />
      You can close this alert any time!

Without Icons

Icons are optional. Simply omit the icon slot if you don’t want them.

Nothing fancy here, just a simple alert.
<sl-alert variant="primary" open> Nothing fancy here, just a simple alert. </sl-alert>
import SlAlert from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react/alert';

const App = () => (
  <SlAlert variant="primary" open>
    Nothing fancy here, just a simple alert.


Set the duration attribute to automatically hide an alert after a period of time. This is useful for alerts that don’t require acknowledgement.

Show Alert This alert will automatically hide itself after three seconds, unless you interact with it.
<div class="alert-duration">
  <sl-button variant="primary">Show Alert</sl-button>

  <sl-alert variant="primary" duration="3000" closable>
    <sl-icon slot="icon" name="info-circle"></sl-icon>
    This alert will automatically hide itself after three seconds, unless you interact with it.

  const container = document.querySelector('.alert-duration');
  const button = container.querySelector('sl-button');
  const alert = container.querySelector('sl-alert');

  button.addEventListener('click', () =>;

  .alert-duration sl-alert {
    margin-top: var(--sl-spacing-medium);
import { useState } from 'react';
import SlAlert from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react/alert';
import SlButton from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react/button';
import SlIcon from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react/icon';

const css = `
  .alert-duration sl-alert {
    margin-top: var(--sl-spacing-medium);

const App = () => {
  const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);

  return (
      <div className="alert-duration">
        <SlButton variant="primary" onClick={() => setOpen(true)}>
          Show Alert

        <SlAlert variant="primary" duration="3000" open={open} closable onSlAfterHide={() => setOpen(false)}>
          <SlIcon slot="icon" name="info-circle" />
          This alert will automatically hide itself after three seconds, unless you interact with it.



Set the countdown attribute to display a loading bar that indicates the alert remaining time. This is useful for alerts with relatively long duration.

Show Alert You’re not stuck, the alert will close after a pretty long duration.
<div class="alert-countdown">
  <sl-button variant="primary">Show Alert</sl-button>

  <sl-alert variant="primary" duration="10000" countdown="rtl" closable>
    <sl-icon slot="icon" name="info-circle"></sl-icon>
    You're not stuck, the alert will close after a pretty long duration.

  const container = document.querySelector('.alert-countdown');
  const button = container.querySelector('sl-button');
  const alert = container.querySelector('sl-alert');

  button.addEventListener('click', () =>;

  .alert-countdown sl-alert {
    margin-top: var(--sl-spacing-medium);
import { useState } from 'react';
import SlAlert from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react/alert';
import SlButton from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react/button';
import SlIcon from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react/icon';

const css = `
  .alert-countdown sl-alert {
    margin-top: var(--sl-spacing-medium);

const App = () => {
  const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);

  return (
      <div className="alert-countdown">
        <SlButton variant="primary" onClick={() => setOpen(true)}>
          Show Alert

        <SlAlert variant="primary" duration="3000" countdown="rtl" open={open} closable onSlAfterHide={() => setOpen(false)}>
          <SlIcon slot="icon" name="info-circle" />
          You're not stuck, the alert will close after a pretty long duration.


Toast Notifications

To display an alert as a toast notification, or “toast”, create the alert and call its toast() method. This will move the alert out of its position in the DOM and into the toast stack where it will be shown. Once dismissed, it will be removed from the DOM completely. To reuse a toast, store a reference to it and call toast() again later on.

You should always use the closable attribute so users can dismiss the notification. It’s also common to set a reasonable duration when the notification doesn’t require acknowledgement.

Primary Success Neutral Warning Danger This is super informative
You can tell by how pretty the alert is.
Your changes have been saved
You can safely exit the app now.
Your settings have been updated
Settings will take effect on next login.
Your session has ended
Please login again to continue.
Your account has been deleted
We’re very sorry to see you go!
<div class="alert-toast">
  <sl-button variant="primary">Primary</sl-button>
  <sl-button variant="success">Success</sl-button>
  <sl-button variant="neutral">Neutral</sl-button>
  <sl-button variant="warning">Warning</sl-button>
  <sl-button variant="danger">Danger</sl-button>

  <sl-alert variant="primary" duration="3000" closable>
    <sl-icon slot="icon" name="info-circle"></sl-icon>
    <strong>This is super informative</strong><br />
    You can tell by how pretty the alert is.

  <sl-alert variant="success" duration="3000" closable>
    <sl-icon slot="icon" name="check2-circle"></sl-icon>
    <strong>Your changes have been saved</strong><br />
    You can safely exit the app now.

  <sl-alert variant="neutral" duration="3000" closable>
    <sl-icon slot="icon" name="gear"></sl-icon>
    <strong>Your settings have been updated</strong><br />
    Settings will take effect on next login.

  <sl-alert variant="warning" duration="3000" closable>
    <sl-icon slot="icon" name="exclamation-triangle"></sl-icon>
    <strong>Your session has ended</strong><br />
    Please login again to continue.

  <sl-alert variant="danger" duration="3000" closable>
    <sl-icon slot="icon" name="exclamation-octagon"></sl-icon>
    <strong>Your account has been deleted</strong><br />
    We're very sorry to see you go!

  const container = document.querySelector('.alert-toast');

  ['primary', 'success', 'neutral', 'warning', 'danger'].map(variant => {
    const button = container.querySelector(`sl-button[variant="${variant}"]`);
    const alert = container.querySelector(`sl-alert[variant="${variant}"]`);

    button.addEventListener('click', () => alert.toast());
import { useRef } from 'react';
import SlAlert from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react/alert';
import SlButton from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react/button';
import SlIcon from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react/icon';

function showToast(alert) {

const App = () => {
  const primary = useRef(null);
  const success = useRef(null);
  const neutral = useRef(null);
  const warning = useRef(null);
  const danger = useRef(null);

  return (
      <SlButton variant="primary" onClick={() => primary.current.toast()}>

      <SlButton variant="success" onClick={() => success.current.toast()}>

      <SlButton variant="neutral" onClick={() => neutral.current.toast()}>

      <SlButton variant="warning" onClick={() => warning.current.toast()}>

      <SlButton variant="danger" onClick={() => danger.current.toast()}>

      <SlAlert ref={primary} variant="primary" duration="3000" closable>
        <SlIcon slot="icon" name="info-circle" />
        <strong>This is super informative</strong>
        <br />
        You can tell by how pretty the alert is.

      <SlAlert ref={success} variant="success" duration="3000" closable>
        <SlIcon slot="icon" name="check2-circle" />
        <strong>Your changes have been saved</strong>
        <br />
        You can safely exit the app now.

      <SlAlert ref={neutral} variant="neutral" duration="3000" closable>
        <SlIcon slot="icon" name="gear" />
        <strong>Your settings have been updated</strong>
        <br />
        Settings will take effect on next login.

      <SlAlert ref={warning} variant="warning" duration="3000" closable>
        <SlIcon slot="icon" name="exclamation-triangle" />
        <strong>Your session has ended</strong>
        <br />
        Please login again to continue.

      <SlAlert ref={danger} variant="danger" duration="3000" closable>
        <SlIcon slot="icon" name="exclamation-octagon" />
        <strong>Your account has been deleted</strong>
        <br />
        We're very sorry to see you go!

Creating Toasts Imperatively

For convenience, you can create a utility that emits toast notifications with a function call rather than composing them in your HTML. To do this, generate the alert with JavaScript, append it to the body, and call the toast() method as shown in the example below.

Create Toast
<div class="alert-toast-wrapper">
  <sl-button variant="primary">Create Toast</sl-button>

  const container = document.querySelector('.alert-toast-wrapper');
  const button = container.querySelector('sl-button');
  let count = 0;

  // Always escape HTML for text arguments!
  function escapeHtml(html) {
    const div = document.createElement('div');
    div.textContent = html;
    return div.innerHTML;

  // Custom function to emit toast notifications
  function notify(message, variant = 'primary', icon = 'info-circle', duration = 3000) {
    const alert = Object.assign(document.createElement('sl-alert'), {
      closable: true,
      duration: duration,
      innerHTML: `
        <sl-icon name="${icon}" slot="icon"></sl-icon>

    return alert.toast();

  button.addEventListener('click', () => {
    notify(`This is custom toast #${++count}`);

The Toast Stack

The toast stack is a fixed position singleton element created and managed internally by the alert component. It will be added and removed from the DOM as needed when toasts are shown. When more than one toast is visible, they will stack vertically in the toast stack.

By default, the toast stack is positioned at the top-right of the viewport. You can change its position by targeting .sl-toast-stack in your stylesheet. To make toasts appear at the top-left of the viewport, for example, use the following styles.

.sl-toast-stack {
  left: 0;
  right: auto;


If you’re using the autoloader or the traditional loader, you can ignore this section. Otherwise, feel free to use any of the following snippets to cherry pick this component.

Script Import Bundler React

To import this component from the CDN using a script tag:

<script type="module" src=""></script>

To import this component from the CDN using a JavaScript import:

import '';

To import this component using a bundler:

import '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/components/alert/alert.js';

To import this component as a React component:

import SlAlert from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react/alert';


Name Description
(default) The alert’s main content.
icon An icon to show in the alert. Works best with <sl-icon>.

Learn more about using slots.


Name Description Reflects Type Default
open Indicates whether or not the alert is open. You can toggle this attribute to show and hide the alert, or you can use the show() and hide() methods and this attribute will reflect the alert’s open state. boolean false
closable Enables a close button that allows the user to dismiss the alert. boolean false
variant The alert’s theme variant. 'primary' | 'success' | 'neutral' | 'warning' | 'danger' 'primary'
duration The length of time, in milliseconds, the alert will show before closing itself. If the user interacts with the alert before it closes (e.g. moves the mouse over it), the timer will restart. Defaults to Infinity, meaning the alert will not close on its own. - Infinity
countdown Enables a countdown that indicates the remaining time the alert will be displayed. Typically used to indicate the remaining time before a whole app refresh. 'rtl' | 'ltr' | undefined -
updateComplete A read-only promise that resolves when the component has finished updating.

Learn more about attributes and properties.


Name React Event Description Event Detail
sl-show onSlShow Emitted when the alert opens. -
sl-after-show onSlAfterShow Emitted after the alert opens and all animations are complete. -
sl-hide onSlHide Emitted when the alert closes. -
sl-after-hide onSlAfterHide Emitted after the alert closes and all animations are complete. -

Learn more about events.


Name Description Arguments
show() Shows the alert. -
hide() Hides the alert -
toast() Displays the alert as a toast notification. This will move the alert out of its position in the DOM and, when dismissed, it will be removed from the DOM completely. By storing a reference to the alert, you can reuse it by calling this method again. The returned promise will resolve after the alert is hidden. -

Learn more about methods.


Name Description
base The component’s base wrapper.
icon The container that wraps the optional icon.
message The container that wraps the alert’s main content.
close-button The close button, an <sl-icon-button>.
close-button__base The close button’s exported base part.

Learn more about customizing CSS parts.


Name Description The animation to use when showing the alert.
alert.hide The animation to use when hiding the alert.

Learn more about customizing animations.


This component automatically imports the following dependencies.

  • <sl-icon>
  • <sl-icon-button>